Exercise: Create and Publish


In this exercise, we’ll walkthrough creating a Quarto-based website and publishing it on Quarto Pub!

We’ll focus on using the quarto-webr extension. However, you can substitute quarto-webr with quarto-pyodide if you prefer working with Python.


  1. Open RStudio on your computer.

    • If you have yet to install R or RStudio, please do so now.
  2. Create a new project in RStudio

    • In the upper right corner, select Project: (None)

    A screenshot showing how to create a new project by going to the upper right corner of RStudio.

    • Click New Directory

    A screenshot showing the selection of 'New Directory' in the RStudio's New Project Wizard.

    • Click Quarto Project

    A screenshot showing the selection of 'Quarto Project' under Project Type in the RStudio's New Project Wizard.

    • Fill in the Directory Name as my-quarto-webr-project: A screenshot showing how to create a new project by going to the upper right corner of RStudio.
      • Optional selections:
        • Consider selecting Open in new session to avoid losing your current RStudio session.
        • If you are familiar with version control, select the Create a .git repository option to version the document.
    • When completed, you should see a new RStudio window with the project name displayed in the upper right-hand corner.

A screenshot showing a newly opened RStudio instance set to the `my-quarto-webr-project` location.


If you are not in a new RStudio project, please let us know as the remaining steps assume this to be the case.


At any time, you can return to this project by going to the upper right corner of RStudio to change between projects.

This has the advantage of not needing to worry about pathing between files.

A screenshot showing how to open and close an RStudio project by going to the upper right corner of RStudio.

  1. Download and install the {quarto-webr} Quarto extension

Quarto extensions are done on a per-project basis instead of globally. For each Quarto project, you must install the extension to use it.

  • Select the Terminal tab in RStudio’s lower left corner.

  • To install the Quarto extension, type in Terminal:

quarto add coatless/quarto-webr

A screenshot showing how to install the {quarto-webr} extension in RStudio's Terminal panel.

  • Answer Yes to the following prompts:
    • Do you trust the authors of this extension (Y/n)
    • Would you like to continue (Y/n)
  • Answer No to the following prompt:
    • View documentation using default browser? (Y/n)

You can view the quarto-webr documentation on: https://quarto-webr.thecoatlessprofessor.com

  • In the Files panel on the lower right, there should be a new directory called _extensions.

A screenshot showing that the {quarto-webr} extension is successfully installed since the `_extensions` folder is present.


By default, Quarto installs extensions into the _extensions folder using the name or organization where the extension can be found followed by the name of the repository. In the case of the quarto-webr extension, this is _extensions/coatless/quarto-webr.

  1. Create a new Quarto document called: my-quarto-webr-document.qmd
    • In RStudio, click File > New File > Quarto Document A screenshot showing how to create a new Quarto document.
    • For the title, fill in: My quarto-webr document.
    • For the author field, fill in your own name!
    • Press Create A screenshot showing how to fill in the New Quarto Document wizard.
    • Optional:
      • You may wish to select Create empty document instead of Create to avoid having filler content.
    • Inside of the YAML header add the following:
    title: "My quarto-webr document"
    format: html
    engine: knitr
    - webr
    • Next, add your first interactive R code cell using:
    # Your R code here
    • Consider writing some additional prose you may want to describe what’s happening in the code cell or adding more code cells.
    • Save the file by pressing the floppy drive or using CNTRL + S (Windows) or CMD + S (macOS).

A screenshot showing the Quarto document being saved.

  1. Render the my-quarto-webr-document.qmd file by pressing the “Render” button.

If your document file does not render, please let us know!

  1. Delete the placeholder document.

    • In the Files panel on the lower right, find the my-quarto-webr-project.qmd
    • Press the checkbox to the left of the file to select it.
    • In the Files panel menu bar, press the Delete button.

    A screenshot showing the placeholder Quarto document being deleted using RStudio's Files panel.

    • Press Yes on the pop up to confirm deletion of the file.

    A screenshot showing a confirmation popup to delete the placeholder Quarto document in RStudio.

  2. Modify the _quarto.yml file.

    • In the Files panel on the lower right, find the _quarto.yml and double click on it.
    • Change the title field to: title: "my-quarto-webr-document"
    • Add underneath title the following entry: type: website
      • Make sure to indent the line by 2 spaces to match the prior entry.

    A screenshot showing the modifications to the `_quarto.yml` file.

  3. Create a Quarto Pub account here.

    • Quarto Pub is a document platform that allows you to securely create and publish Quarto documents to the web.
    • You can view Quarto Pub as the successor to RPubs.
  4. Upload the website to Quarto Pub


Documentation on publishing Quarto websites to Quarto Pub can be viewed here.

  • Publish the my-quarto-webr-document.qmd file on Quarto Pub by running in the Terminal tab of RStudio:
quarto publish quarto-pub

As you likely have never published to Quarto Pub before, the publish command will first prompt you to authenticate using the credentials setup in the prior step. After login in, you will be asked to confirm that you want to publish.

A screenshot showing how to publish the Quarto document onto Quarto Pub by using Terminal.

  • Once published, you should have a browser window open with the desired content.